I have been thinking about doing a blog for a while. Last weekend, Jon and I went to Camp Verde, AZ for a day trip. We were sitting at DQ eating blizzards and in the course of our conversation, I mentioned it. He looked up and said that he had been thinking of doing something similar. Of course we began to brainstorm ideas and ultimately names. We threw out some ideas and then it hit me.

It is a song that my dad wrote and recorded 10 years ago.

Verse 1

I’ve been on a journey, learning how to live what I believe

There’ve been times I’ve wondered, where this road of faith is leading me

There were mountain tops and valleys, crossroads where decisions would be made

But with every mile I’ve traveled, I could see that God was with me all the way

Verse 2

I still get discouraged, wonder why I have to feel the pain

Longing for the sunshine, asking God to calm the storms and rain

But without the dark of midnight, the sunrise wouldn’t bring new hope for me

It it wasn’t for the battle, I would never know the thrill of victory


The lessons in the journey let me know that God is working, and I will never be out of His care

When I don’t understand I can still trust His plan for I know that He is always there

As I face tomorrow, I know that I can borrow from the places where I’ve been and all I’ve seen

For lately I’ve been learning that the lessons in the journey

Are the unseen hands of God leading me

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